2024 Vietnam Memory Championships Nha Trang, Vietnam on Jan.27th-28th,2024
The 2024 Vietnam Memory Championships authorized by The World Memory Sports Council and staged by APMSC will be held in Nha Trang, Vietnam on Jan.27th – 28th, 2024.
The sign-up for entering the 2024 Vietnam Memory Championships
is open now!
All competitors need to fill up the following registration form.
The Registration fee : USD 140.
Please note as follows,
- There will be a bonus pool of about USD 7000 that overall champion, will have opportunity to get as cash reward.
- Top 5 competitors in the tournament can be directly prequalified in the 2024 World Memory Championships.
- Competitors who have met the relevant criteria as below will be awarded “ASIA PACIFIC MASTER OF MEMORY” (APMM).
Criteria of APMM
1) 700 digits in 30 minutes (with raw score 700 or above)
2) 7 decks of cards in 30 minutes. (with raw score 364 or above)
3) 1 deck of cards in 70 seconds or less.
4) 110 raw score or above in 15-min random words
5) 60 raw score or above in 15-min Names & Faces
6) 4000 or more cumulative points. (under WMSC International standard)
Competitors who want to achieve the title of Asia Pacific Master of Memory (APMM) qualifications would be required to compete in all 10 disciplines in the championships and achieve a total of 4000 cumulative points or more, without solely focusing on the Asia Pacific Master’s disciplines.
- More specific details will be released in the next couple of days. Please pay close attention to the updates. If you have any queries or needs, please contact directly the organizing committee via buzanasia@163.com.