What the sport of Memory all about?

The Mind Sport of Memory is both a fun, valuable hobby, as well as an amateur sport. At the fun end of memory, informal competitions take place in Brain Clubs and in other Mind Sport groups taking many different forms. At a competitive level, there are specific...

Welcome new Council members

As we move into the next 25 years for the Mind Sport of Memory, we are seeking ways to bring the benefits of competitive memory to a far wider audience. Helping us in this quest are our new Council members who, as ambassadors for the Sport, will help to spread the...

WMC 2015 Confirmed Schedule

CONFIRMED SCHEDULE for the 2015 World Memory Championships December 15: Registration and Opening Ceremony Opening Ceremony after lunch.    A planned mind sports summit seminar after dinner December 16: Day 1 of Competition 12/16 8:30-9:30 Names & Faces 10:00-12:00...

China Memory Championships

More than 500 people from all over China are competing for the chance to represent their country at the 24th World Memory Championship in Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, reports China News Service. Players participating in the competition are required to memorise a...