Competition Report
2nd Macau China Open Memory Championship Tournament, Sets Two New World Records
The 32nd Memory Championship China Macau Qualifying Tournament, co-organized by the Macao Holistic International Education Association and the Macau Memory Association, and with the support of the City University of Macau and the Macau Scouts Association, proved to be a remarkable success. Held from November 18th to 19th, 2023 at the City University of Macau, the event, authorized by the Asia-Pacific Memory Sports Council, featured the “32nd Memory Championship China Macau Qualifying Tournament” and the “2nd Macau Open Memory Championship.”
In a notable achievement during the 15-minute random numbers and 15-minute abstract images discipline, Huang Jinyao from China set two new world records by flawlessly memorizing an impressive 1220 numbers and 1007 images in off-line championship.
The competition comprised categories for kids, juniors, and adults, as well as a specific Macau area category, with each category showcasing ten disciplines. These disciplines included random words, binary numbers, names and faces, random numbers, speed numbers, virtual historical dates, 10-minute random cards, abstract images, spoken numbers by listening, and speed cards for memorization. Over two intense days, participants delivered outstanding performances, demonstrating their memory prowess.
The Macau category witnessed Zhang Zi Jian securing the championship with an impressive total score of 1186, followed by Chen Zi Xuan as the runner-up with 1158 points, and Chen Xiao Qi claiming the third position with a score of 1098. Notably, in the kids’ category, 7-year-old Yu Wei Heng’s exceptional third-place finish in the speed numbers discipline highlighted the potential of Macau participants in international memory competitions.
Macau Area Category Winners:
– Champion: Chen Zi Xuan
– 2nd Place: Zhang Zi Jian
– 3rd Place: Chen Xiao Qi
The overall championship was clinched by Huang Jin Yao from mainland China, amassing a total score of 7726. Following by Huang Pei Hui (runner-up) with 3988 points and Chai Chun Rong (third-place) with 2950 points.
Overall Category Winners:
– Champion: Huang Jin Yao
– 2nd Place: Huang Pei Hui
– 3rd Place: Chai Chun Rong
Importantly, Huang Jin Yao’s groundbreaking performance set two new world memory records in the 15-minute random numbers and 15-minute abstract images discipline, surpassing the previous record of 1168 numbers and 804 images in off-line championship.
Expressing gratitude to the Scouts Association for their assistance and to the City University for providing venue support, the organizers commended the Scouts for their meticulous supervision and discipline maintenance during the competition.
In an inclusive initiative, children with special learning needs were invited to participate after undergoing systematic memory and concentration training, showcasing excellent results. Chan Ting Ching, President of the World Memory Sports Council in Macau, highlighted the event’s aim to break age and physical barriers, emphasizing that effective memory methods are accessible to everyone for learning improvement. Mr. Teo Kim Foo, Chairman of the Malaysia Memory Sports Council and Vice Chairman of the Asia-Pacific Memory Sports Council, serving as the chief arbiter, expressed hope for Macau to continue hosting such events to promote memory studies and sports, benefiting more people and attracting attention to memory skill cultivation.
The China Macau Qualifying Tournament concluded with the presentation of awards, marking a perfect close to a successful and record-breaking event.
To better promote mental exercises, this competition concurrently held the International Brain Potential Awakening Forum.
Organisers are delighted to invite Dr. Bell, a former senior inspector in Hong Kong’s criminal cognitive psychology, and Dr. Chan Hoi Chung, who holds multiple master’s degrees and coaching qualifications, as well as Dr. Zhu Xianqi, a quasi-doctorate in behavioural analysis education, (names by pinyin) and Teo Kim Foo, the Chief Judge of the International Memory Open Championship and an International Memory Master, to discuss together on the same stage. They shared and analysed the awakening of brain potential from various perspectives, allowing attendees to gain a wealth of new knowledge and insights.
Attendees benefited greatly from this forum, as they were able to hear presentations from multiple professionals and experience different perspectives, resulting in a fulfilling experience. The enthusiastic response from attendees during the Q&A session led to the forum extending for over 30 minutes before concluding.
Through this forum, the effective promotion of cognitive potential in the brain was achieved, allowing participants to elevate their understanding of brain functionality.
Special thanks to the organizers: Macau Holistic International Education Association, Macau Memory Association, and co-organizers and supporting units: City University of Macau, Macau Scout Association, for their full support, enabling the successful completion of this historic first International Brain Potential Awakening Forum in Macau.
inally, heartfelt thanks to the forum’s initiator and chairwoman, Chan Ting Ching, for her meticulous arrangements.