WMC – Latest Competitor Information

The 28th World Memory Championships 2019 global finals look forward to your arrival The clarion call for mental assembly has sounded! The global finals of the 28th World Memory Championships in 2019 are about to begin! From the WMC of city level,national Level to the...

Message from the President, Raymond Keene OBE

Dear Supporters of the sport of Memory. SCHOOLS MEMORY CHAMPIONSHIP PRESENTATIONS Pictured at the first SCHOOLS MEMORY CHAMPIONSHIP at the Park Inn in Northampton is Raymond Keene for info contact Ray Hodges 01628 894793 or r.hodges@hpsgroup.co.uk Picture by Adam...

Announcing the 11th World Mind Mapping Championships

Guide to the 11th World Mind Mapping Championships 2019 1、Time:November 29th____30th 2、Venue:Renmin University of China 3、Location:59 zhongguancun street, haidian district, Beijing,China 4、Check in:15:00——18:00,November 28th,2019 5、Opening Ceremony:9:15—10:30,November...

Malaysia Memory Championships

The 3rd Asia-Pacific Open Memory Championship and the 28th World Memory Championships - Malaysia Qualifying Round 2019 Registration Portal for International and Malaysian is NOW OPEN! Kindly click on the link below for more...

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