India Memory Championships 2023
14th Indian Memory Championship 2023 successfully done on 1st October 2023 in Bengaluru Squadron Leader Jayasimha, the President Indian Memory Sports Council was pleased to announce that the 14th Indian National Memory Championship 2023 was a grand success with 250...
Final Results of the 4th Asia Pacific Open Memory Championships
Earlier on August 19th- 20th 2023, the 4th Asia Pacific Open Memory Championships (APOMC) , authorized by APMSC (Asia Pacific Memory Sports Council) were successfully held in Hong Kong, China, with around 130 contestants from different countries and areas, including...
The 32nd World Memory Championships Announcement
Registration is now open for the 32nd World Memory Championships in December 2023 We’re happy to announce that the 32nd World Memory Championships global final will be organized in SANYA CITY, China on December 8th-10th, 2023 by the Asia Pacific Memory Sports...
[ Venue & Transportation Update ] The 4th Asia-Pacific Open Memory Championships 2023
We are pleased to announce the “4th Asia Pacific Open Memory Championships 2023” will be taken place in one of the well-known schools in Hong Kong! Please see the venue details as well as the travel information as below: Venue: Ying Wa Primary School...
The “4th Asia-Pacific Open Memory Championships 2023” is now open for registration!
Asia Pacific Memory Sports Council is pleased to announce that the “4th Asia-Pacific Open Memory Championships 2023” is now open! This 3-day great event will be taken place in the cosmopolitan city – Hong Kong, China on 19 – 21 August 2023. Details are as follows: –...
Pakistan’s Sania Alam wins prestigious ‘Brain of the Year’ award in UK
Alam is the second Pakistani to win this coveted award which is awarded to those who advance global mental health by research, support and funding for individuals and organisations which promote mind improving and healing activities and initiatives. Taking to twitter,...
Master’s Degree in Strategic Thinking – Free webinar
The pace of change in our world today is truly unprecedented, with artificial intelligence transforming industries and new business models disrupting traditional ways of working. In such a rapidly evolving landscape, it can be overwhelming to keep up with the constant...
Results of the 31st World Memory Championships 2022
Congratulations to our new Grand Masters of Memory 2022
Huang JinyaoChina Tenuun TAMIRMongoliaFang YanqingChina2021gmmHu XueyanChina2021gmmOyun-Erdene TSENGELBAYARMongolia Nandin-Uchral NYAMKHUUMongolia Namuun ZOLBADRAKHMongolia Liu CihuaChina Wang DongxuChina Xu YunjianChina Hong YuyangChina Tang RainChina Zhao...
the Closing Ceremony for 31st WMC Finals
Hello, everyone!Earlier on 16th- 17th 2022, the Global Finals for the 31st World Memory Championships (WMC) were grandly held, with altogether 403 contestants from different countries and areas, including China, Mongolia, South Korea, America, Canada, Algeria, Libya,...