The 30th Anniversary Memory memorial Challenge

The 30th Anniversary Memory memorial Challenge The 30th Anniversary Memory memorial Challenge was held between 17-18 April, 2021. Over 200 mental athletes competed over 7 disciplines including speed cards, speed numbers, names and faces, historic dates, abstract...

Indian National Open Online Memory Championships

31st October 2021, Sunday Squadron Leader Jayasimha, President World Memory Sports Council for India announces the Indian National Online Open Memory Championship schedule. Online Memory Championship : Participate from the comfort of your home and showcase India’s...

9th Algerian Memory Championships 2021

The Algerian Open Memory Championship, in its ninth edition, was held Online on Saturday, April 10, 2021, so it’s the first Online National Championship in the Arab world be approved and Ranking by the Arabian Memory Championship Foundation and the World Memory...

Guinness World Records recognise our Memory Champions

A young girl from Pakistan has won the 29th World Memory Championships global finals, beating more than 300 competitors from all over the world.Emma Alam competed in over 10 disciplines in three-day competition which included participants from China, Canada, United...

2021 Millennium Standards

From Lester He, Chief Arbiter New Millennium Standards According to the 2020 announcement, the results of the 2020 World Memory Championships Global Finals will not be combined with the previous world records or millennium standards. Following some spectacular...

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