New Asia Pacific Chairman for Hong Kong

Announcement for the NEW appointment of Chairman and Emeritus Chairman of World Memory Sports Council for Hong Kong, China. Nominated by the Asia-Pacific Memory Sports Council and approved by the World Memory Sports Council. Ms.Chan Chi Wa (GMM) is now appointed as...

Shereshevsky – Master Mnemonist

Edited transcript of Facebook Live – 14th June 2020 by Phil Chambers Today I'd like to talk to you about Solomon Veniaminovich Shereshevsky. He was a failed musician and newspaper reporter in Moscow, in the 1920s. Every morning, the editor of the newspaper would hold...

The Origins of the Method of Loci

Edited transcript of Facebook Live - By Phil Chambers 7th June 2020 I want to tell you a story about the origins of the method of Loci. It's also known as the Roman Room or the Memory Palace technique.  It dates back to about 500 BC - over 2000 years ago, and it...

The Speed Cards Discipline

Edited transcript – Facebook Live by Phil Chambers 31/5/20 Hello and welcome to this Facebook Live talking about the discipline of Speed Cards in the World Memory Championships. It's the most exciting discipline because it's the final event and often the entire...

World Mind Map Day 2020

World Mind Map Day June 2nd 2020 Announcement of Mind Map Competition Today is World Mind Map Day – a fitting date as this would have been the 78th birthday of Tony Buzan, inventor of Mind Maps. Tragically, Tony passed away prematurely on April 13 last year....

Spoken Numbers

Edited Transcript of Facebook Live, Phil Chambers 24/5/20 I'm going to talk about the Spoken Number discipline in the World Memory Championships. Spoken number is delivered with one digit every second, hearing it just once and then writing down the digits in order...

Random Words

It's really important to understand the rules in any of the disciplines. But even more so, when you're doing Random Words. You have 20 words per column, five columns per page, and if you make one memorization mistake, that's half the column. If you make two...

The Hour Cards Discipline

Edited transcript – Facebook Live by Phil Chambers, 26th April 2020 Welcome to this Facebook Live talking about the 'Hour Cards' discipline in the World Memory Championships. The Hour Cards is one of the marathon disciplines. The remarkable achievements people...

Historic & Future Dates

Edited transcript of Facebook Live by Phil Chambers 19th April 2020 Hello, welcome to this Facebook Live talking about the Historic and Future Dates discipline at the World Memory Championships. I'll talk a little bit, first of all, about how the dates are...

Speed Numbers

Edited Transcript of Facebook Live by Phil Chambers, 12th April 2020. Welcome to this Facebook Live, talking about the Speed Numbers discipline. Speed Numbers mirrors the One Hour Number in the Championships. So there's forty digits to a row and there's the same trick...

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