My Friends and colleagues
Greetings from the most beautiful City of Guangzhou in China where I have been the most honoured guest of Dr Guo and the Chinese Memory Sports Council these past few days.

There was a truly wonderful turnout for the press conference announcing that the World Memory Sports Council’s Chinese National Memory Championship will be held in Guangzhou in November. This is shaping up to be their biggest event ever and indeed will be second only in size to the World Memory Championships itself.

Every time I visit China I am utterly thrilled at how as a nation they have taken Mental Literacy and especially Memory training right into the heart of what they do. They are our most dynamic and growing region for our sport and I am delighted to be part of seeing the wonderful growth as both young and old embrace the joy of finding out what they and their brains can achieve.
This includes of course one 80 years young competitor who approached our President Raymond Keene and myself to inform us that her training for the Senior Memory Category was enabling her to successfully stave off Alzheimer’s.

Press Conference in Guangzhou, China. 24th of May 2018
President Ray Keene OBE;
Good afternoon and welcome to the hundreds of you competing in China national memory sports championship, the second largest and second most important memory competition in the world, behind only the world memory championship itself in global significance. I congratulate you all for entering and daring to display your mental prowess in a most public forum, under the glare and gaze of worldwide media.
It must be said here, and repeated again and again, that the teachings of our originator, Professor Tony Buzan, here with us today, have proven once more that the hidden genius within all of you can be stirred and awoken with the right methods and proper training.
I have seen with my own eyes teenagers who have trained their memories, developing a powerful fluid intelligence which appears to give them virtually superhuman mental powers. They can speak multiple languages fluently. They are poised and self-confident. They have organisational skills and competence way beyond the norm and they win top places at the world’s universities.
So… a special welcome to all the junior Mnemonists here today! You too can unleash your genius on the world stage. Just one example of what you can aspire to…just over a year ago I met the teenage Mongolian girl Munkshur Narmandakh. She was competing in the China Open Memory Championship.
Then, in December I met her again…and she won the absolute world grand memory title…the first female to do so in twenty-six years and the very first teenager.
If Munkshur can do it…. why not you!
May the best of good fortune guide your paths to the revelation of your own superhuman powers!!
Ray Keene OBE Co-Founder World Memory Championships
Promoting the cause of Global Mental Literacy
My Friends and colleagues
Greetings from the most beautiful City of Guangzhou in China where I have been the most honoured guest of Dr Guo and the Chinese Memory Sports Council these past few days.
There was a truly wonderful turnout for the press conference announcing that the World Memory Sports Council’s Chinese National Memory Championship will be held in Guangzhou in November. This is shaping up to be their biggest event ever and indeed will be second only in size to the World Memory Championships itself.
Every time I visit China I am utterly thrilled at how as a nation they have taken Mental Literacy and especially Memory training right into the heart of what they do. They are our most dynamic and growing region for our sport and I am delighted to be part of seeing the wonderful growth as both young and old embrace the joy of finding out what they and their brains can achieve.
This includes of course one 80 years young competitor who approached our President Raymond Keene and myself to inform us that her training for the Senior Memory Category was enabling her to successfully stave off Alzheimer’s.
For a full report on Raymond Keene’s Opening remark at the press Conference – please click HERE
I am delighted that I shall soon be meeting my longstanding partner David Zhang to further discuss how to work together in certifying and training even more Tony Buzan Licensed Instructor’s in this Region.
Can I remind all of our Asian, Far East and Indian colleagues that they should feel free to contact David Zhang directly on davidzhlw@hotmail.com to discuss any issues and to replace any old TLI certificates that still may need changed. He is the partner directly responsible for all training, certification and marketing of the Buzan Brand in his region and you will find his knowledge and experience invaluable whilst building your business within this area.
He should be your first point of contact for all things “Buzan” in this region and has my complete confidence in supporting and developing you all.
There is a Tony Buzan Certification Training at the RAC Club in Central London from the 30th June to the 2nd of July.
I am looking forward to welcoming some new TBLIs on board but would also like to extend a personal invitation for any existing TBLIs that may wish to be certified as Senior TBLIs by myself to attend the training too. I look forward greatly to welcoming those that can come into the inner circle of Team Buzan.
Full details, booking arrangements and payment pathways can be found HERE
Any questions you may have about the event – please email directly on enquiries@Buzanworld.com
Some of you may have already been in contact with my colleague in the UK, Elaine Colliar. Elaine is my Master Trainer and a Five Times World Mind Mapping Champion.
She is on board to help smooth our way through this transition period by building a robust business model so that we can spend more time supporting and mentoring our Tony Buzan Licensed Instructors. She is our lynch pin in connecting people all around the rest of the world.
You can contact her directly on enquires@Buzanworld.com or follow her on twitter @MindMapsExpert.
I am sure you have many questions about what our transition may entail – so please email Elaine any questions that you would like answered to her at enquires@Buzanworld.com and she will distribute a full FAQ to you all within the next week or so.
She will also be contacting you directly to invite you to participate in a poll to help develop the new training programme, website offering, social media strategy and mentoring programme for our Instructors. I would be very grateful if you could spare a few minutes to fill it out and let us know how best we can help you. Your input will directly affect the route forward that we take in our common goal of Global Mental Literacy.
She is my central communication point for all TBLIs not in Asia, The Far East and India – those areas should in the first instance contact David Zhang on davidzhlw@hotmail.com for the swiftest response.
I wish you the very best in your continuing work, and above all I would remind you to share with http://www.tonybuzan.com your newest and best Mind Maps and those of your wonderful students and trainees with me at https://twitter.com/tony_buzan.
It goes without saying that I am greatly looking forward to being with you and working together for the future of Global Mental Literacy – it’s in our hands. |